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Issue 497


How To Design Effective Conversational AI Experiences: A Comprehensive Guide
The three crucial phases of conversational search, revealing how users express their needs, explore results, and refine their queries.

The UX Reflex theory: lessons from Apple’s search bar experiment
The significant role conditioned reflexes play in UX design.

Quotable Config
The quotes, themes, and takeaways that resonated most with Google designers — from AI’s transformative potential to the importance of joy in UX at Figma’s Config conference.

A Lesson on Top Tasks from Hurricane Beryl
Companies that do not support their users’ top tasks in a crisis fail their users and their reason for existence.


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Over 40 courses from industry experts and top academics.
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Sponsor a future issue to showcase your product or service.

Tools and Resources

Open Design Docs
Docs used daily as a VP of Design.

Must-read design books for this summer
Four must-read books that cover various aspects of design, from theoretical foundations to inspiring collections of work.

Turn your diagram sketches into digital schemes.

A 2D/3D hybrid design and collaboration platform enhanced by AI.

UX Portfolio

Atanas Mahony
Atanas is a desiging AI solutions at Tessier.

Last But Not Least

Art Thinking: creating desirable futures in the AI era
Questioning reality is an inherent human skill, but it becomes even more evident in artistic thinking.

“No one remembers a deadline. No one remembers a budget. No one remembers the fighting or the drama. They remember the output.”
— John Hoke

Thanks to this issue’s sponsor:

Interaction Design Foundation