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Issue 496


Six human skills that will future-proof your design career
AI is coming for our pixels. How do we leverage our humanity to drive our destiny as designers?

Bad design is like a virus: design defects and latent failures
Looking at how often a product of system fails and to what severity the result of the failure is says a lot about the goodness of the design.

Content Strategy vs. UX Writing
Content strategy focuses on content-related processes, while UX writing shapes user experiences through text. The two disciplines work in harmony.

Founders, don’t miss a great opportunity. Learn design.
Why and how is design knowledge becoming increasingly vital for tech entrepreneurs?


Advance your design career with online, self-paced UX courses
Over 40 courses from industry experts and top academics.
Enjoy a free trial for 7 days of learning because you’re a reader of UX Design Weekly!

Sponsor a future issue to showcase your product or service.

Tools and Resources

Useful Customer Journey Maps (+ Figma & Miro Templates)
A couple of helpful customer journey templates to get started and how companies use them in practice.

Monowi: Product Design Exercises
Hands-on exercises will guide you, build your confidence, and help you develop design skills.

3 design tips from the new Daylight Computer landing page (Video)
Web design tips from the Daylight Computer’s viral new landing page.

UX Portfolio

Nihal Abdul Bari
Nihal is a Senior Product Designer for 100ms.

Last But Not Least

How Figma built the identity for its mammoth design conference, Config
The task of designing the identity, and the response from the community.

“Be purposeful and thoughtful in the choices you make when the options are nearly infinite.”
— Michael Bierut

Thanks to this issue’s sponsor:

Interaction Design Foundation