The State of UX in 2023
A vibe shift is coming.
AI and the Future of Design: What will the designer of 2025 look like?
What we should expect and be prepared for in a few years.
How to draw ideas
In a creative process drawing can play four different roles.
Three Pillars of User Delight
Delight can be experienced viscerally, behaviorally, and reflectively.
Avoid Unnecessarily Complex Password-Creation Requirements
Requiring users to use overly complex passwords will result in fewer users creating accounts.
Can trust be designed?
The power of visual symbols in building credibility — whether for good or bad.
How to optimize your design-to-development workflow
A key aspect of building designs is giving developers exactly what they need. See how Zeplin makes design handoff a seamless part of the development process. Learn more
Tools and Resources
Performance Cards: Designing with Meaning and Empathy
When designing for people who live across the globe from you, it’s important to understand how their context might be different, or similar, to your own.
Pantone Color of the Year 2023
Pantone’s Color of the Year, Viva Magenta 18-1750, vibrates with vim and vigor.
Accessible Color Palette Generator
Create color combinations that follow WCAG with ease.
UX Portfolio
Daniela Muntyan
Daniela is Design Director at Parimatch Tech.
UX Job
Product Designer, Growth @ KAYAK (Cambridge, MA)
Kayak is looking for a product designer who is curious and passionate about investigating user needs in the travel space,
Want to feature a job here? Check out my UX job board
Looking to find your next UX gig? Join my UX talent collective
Last But Not Least
What makes me a designer?
It’s one of those questions you only ask yourself when you’ve lost sight of the obvious answer.
“Every great design begins with an even better story.”
— Lorinda Mamo
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