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Issue 400


Handling cross-team feedback loops on design work
Escape the siloing trap when you are both part of a design team and a product team, involve people early and often, and foster the right conversation at the right time

Why ordinary design (almost) always wins
Let’s discuss why ordinary design can bring a significant competitive advantage.

UX myth – flow is bad because it’s too long
Math may also give you wrong assumptions and makes your design bad especially while designing the UX.

Product Analytics: The four questions that guide innovation and design
Use data to build disruptive products. Say NO to low-value features.


How the Washington Post built its design system
A design system is a crucial tool for design teams to scale their output. Find out how a media icon that gets 80+ million visitors a month built their design system so they can ship better and faster.

Tools and Resources

Little Big Updates: More improvements for design and collaboration
The latest batch of updates that will help you create, design, and collaborate with Figma.

Curated collection of beautiful color palettes.

Effective Resumes for UX Career Changers
Generate more UX-job opportunities with a resume that effectively communicates to UX hiring managers how you are making a career change into UX.

UX Portfolio

Ivette Felix Uy
Ivette is a Product Designer at Faire

UX Job

Staff Experience Designer, @ Airbnb is looking for a strategic and enterprising Staff Experience Designer to join their design team.

Want to feature a job here? Check out my UX job board

Looking to find your next UX gig? Join my UX talent collective

Last But Not Least

Genderless design is a myth
How to deconstruct the gender binary in design and make space for genderfluidity.

“To do great things is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche

Thanks to this issue’s sponsor:
