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Issue 372


Stop brainstorming
Brainstorming is just a worse version of creativity.

Prove yourself wrong
Getting into the right mindset when looking for feedback will save your feelings and make for better designs.

Design at Gusto: Keeping Collaboration and Customers at the Core
How Gusto invested in a customer-centric process and encouraged everyone to embrace research and think like a designer.

Wordle UX: Sometimes a game just feels good
Break down the UX principles that make Wordle so great.


Introducing Flows: A New Way to Communicate Design Intention
Zeplin Flows let designers spend more time on design, less time explaining design files to the rest of the team. Use Flows to effortlessly highlight user journeys with native connectors, groups, and text labels — no more extra layers. Your team will always be on the same page and know exactly what to build.

Tools and Resources

Create beautiful screenshots quickly by adding rounded corners, background colors, shadows and more.

Beautiful, fast and modern React UI Library.

Logo To Use
Free high-quality logos.

UX Portfolio

Michael Ji
Michael is an nteraction design student at University of Washington.

Last But Not Least

We’re Making Interaction Design Really Hard.
In an effort to support loose, experiential behaviors of our users, we’re designing systems that sacrifice elegance in favor of power.

“Define what the product will do before you design how the product will do it.”
— Alan Cooper