Our industry needs more designers. Most importantly: a different type of designer.
If design is not actively working to dismantle established exclusionary systems, it is merely perpetuating them.
Collaborative design research
Tools and techniques to make design research more collaborative.
What makes a UX Strategy successful
In the design world, “strategy” is an overused word, but an underutilized tool.
Creating a UX Research System: Making your work understood as a researcher
Research-informed design is part art and part science, but also part storytelling.
3 Things You Need to Know as a Fresh UX Researcher
Being a UX Researcher has no pattern, has a responsibility, and has the key to clarity.
Tools and Resources
Design x Us
A project that seeks to discover and share the stories behind the humans that power the design industry
Awesome Figma Tips
Small but awesome tips to work faster in Figma.
Miro Live Embed
Bring the live collaborative whiteboard experience anywhere.
COVID-19 Is Changing How Designers Think – Wireframe Podcast
Khoi Vinh speaks with other design leaders to explore the changing nature of work from a designer’s perspective.
From Shy Kid to Tech Executive with Reena Merchant
Why believing in yourself and finding your voice is the best cure for self-doubt.
UX Portfolio
Melissa Kark
Melissa Kark is a Product Designer that previously taught and designed at Lambda School and Verizon.
Last But Not Least
Structure Changes More Slowly Than Look-and-feel
Changing visuals is cheap; changing the underlying structures is expensive.
“Your products run for election every day and good design is critical to winning the campaign.”
— A.G. Lafley