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Issue 279


The World Needs Designers Now More Than Ever
It’s only when things fail that we start to ask questions that perhaps we should have considered all along.

I Don’t Care What Google or Apple or Whoever Did
Justifying designs because Apple or Google did something a particular way.

7 Ways to Analyze a Customer-Journey Map
Evaluate your journey map to identify low and high points, unnecessary or too long steps, and moments of truth.

The UX Writing Starter-Kit
The role of UX writers, why this kind of writing is needed in Product Design, and how you can get started in this field.

Who Would Have Thought an iPad Cursor Could Be So Much Fun?
Apple’s new iPadOS adds enhanced support for trackpads and with that, a shiny new cursor.


How To Be A Great Leader In Design
Learn how to be a great leader in design by having vision, inspiring your team, and possessing massive curiosity and desire to grow.

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Tools and Resources

Free COVID-19 Animations for Awareness
Use these Lottie animations to highlight initiatives to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

New in Sketch — Tints, a new Components Menu and more
Sketch is introducing Tints, a redesigned Components menu, and some big improvements to search in the Mac app.


An Event Apart DC 2019
All 17 talks from An Event Apart DC 2019.

User Experiences that Matter
A free ebook on creating great user experiences by focusing on the human using the product.

UX Portfolio

Josh Lucas
Josh is a designer studying Interaction Design at Kennesaw State University.

Last But Not Least

See famous logos get reimagined for the coronavirus age
Logos look a little different when they practice social distancing.

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”
— Marie Curie