How design fails older consumers
Don Norman writes that the world is designed against the elderly.
The Need to Think and Talk like an Executive
No one will buy into your UX design ideas if they can’t see how those ideas matter to them.
How to get buy-in for building a design system
Starting a conversation about how a design system improves workflow contributes to cross-functional collaboration.
What Mike Monteiro Taught me About Feedback
Working with long-form feedback doesn’t have to be painful.
Designing Sound and Silence
Google’s first-ever public guidelines for designing product sounds.
Document and Share your UX process with Caravel
Caravel is the first project management tool dedicated to UX/UI teams. Sign up for free today and import your designs from Sketch, prototypes from InVision, and even research files from Google docs. Discover features for product teams and agencies of all sizes.
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Tools and Resources
Humane Design Guide
A worksheet to help you take meaningful steps towards designing a more humane product.
Design API – Brandfetch
Instantly pull company branding data to use in your projects.
Playground for Framer X
Framer X adds a new code editor and animation library to make designing with code easier.
Greater than Avatars – Matt D. Smith
How freelance designer Matt D. Smith manages work, health, and family.
Thanos: Super-Villain and Terrible Designer
How to understand the design process, explained through the lens of Thanos.
UX Portfolio
Denis Moulin
Denis is a product designer for based in Montréal.
Last But Not Least
Star Wars Imperial Styleguide
Helping to uphold order in the galaxy with an ideology that fear of force is as, if not more, effective as force itself.
“Because every person knows what he likes, every person thinks he is an expert on user interfaces.”
— Paul Heckel