Thinking in Triplicate
You have to see the whole story to make it come true.
Yes, Alan, There Is An ROI For UX Design
Jared Spool’s response to Alan Cooper’s thoughts about the value of design.
The 6 Types of Product Teams You’ll be Working In
A break-down of the characteristics of each type of team, so you can make better choices in the future.
10 rules for better dashboard design
Tips on designing dashboards – from defining the purpose to designing at the end.
Designing with Data
Interpreting and analyzing data as a designer.
The importance of Design QA in digital product design
Making sure designs get implemented as intended.
25% Off Online UX Design Courses for the Next 12 Months
We’ve teamed up with the Interaction Design Foundation to give you 25% off their annual membership.
From just $72, you can take as many online UX Design courses as you want over the next year.
Tools and Resources
Accessibility for Teams
A ‘quick-start’ guide for embedding accessibility and inclusive design practices into your team’s workflow.
Create user flows and journey maps from Marvel prototypes
Overflow + Figma Integration
You can now sync your Figma designs with Overflow to build user flows.
Animate Sketch designs and generate production-ready code.
Zeplin ↔ Adobe XD CC
You can now export your Adobe XD designs on Windows to Zeplin.
An expanding collection of reusable simple drawings and doodles in a vector format.
Wheel Color Generator
A simple wheel color generator.
UX Portfolio
Ivo Mynttinen
Ivo is a freelance user interface designer.
Last But Not Least
Why bad technology dominates our lives, according to Don Norman
We have unwittingly accepted the paradigm that technology comes first, with people relegated to doing the actions that the machines cannot do.
“I try to make something each year that I can be proud of. If you can do that, year after year, suddenly you’ve got a career.”
— Jon Wyville