Everyone is a designer. Get over it.
Whether you like it or not, people outside of your design team are making significant design choices that affect your customers in important ways.
A Proven Method For Showing The Value Of Good UX
How to convince people in your organization to take user experience seriously.
Design principle: Consistency
Consistency is one of the design principles that we like to violate frequently.
Great Designers’ Secret Weapon: Working Memory
More working memory allows you to be more creative by allowing you to generate more—and more novel—ideas.
AI Won’t Change Companies Without Great UX
Unless we’re actually automating a process, AI algorithms should make people’s jobs simpler, easier, and more productive.
A Component-based Workflow for Sketch
The way we design is changing, and so are our tools.
Great user experience begins with design
Great design is the foundation of a powerful user experience. And your customers have high expectations for both. Check out the infographic for key insights on mobile design and how keeping your focus on the customer will help you deliver great experiences.
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Tools & Resources
AI & sketching means fast drawing for everyone.
Design Sprint Kit
Google put out resources for planning and running a Google design sprint.
Paste by FiftyThree
A place to review work with your team over Slack.
Organize and share your design libraries with this Sketch plugin.
70 Life Lessons for Designers
Marc Hemeon and Joel Beukelman of Design Inc. share tips for designers on a wide variety of topics from craft and work-life balance to the business of design.
Luke Woods – High Resolution
The Head of Design at Facebook discusses leading a team that designs for nearly 2 billion users and how he got to his position.
Designing the Designer – UXPod
Jesse James Garrett contemplates the adjacent possible, and what makes a good designer.
Design & Exclusion
A free remote conference on design and exclusion on April 21st.
Design is [Helpful] – The Speech Interface
Nandini Stocker explores a world integrated with seamless voice interactions and what’s getting in the way of realizing such a fantastical future.
UX Portfolio
Khalil Cader
Khalili is a product designer at Google who uses a blend of imagery, animation, and words to tell his story.
Last But Not Least
24 Ways to Look Like an Awesome UX Designer
Tips on pretending to be a top designer.
“Technology over technique produces emotionless design.”
— Daniel Mall