Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Thank you for reading and remember to give thanks for great UX.
– Kenny
The dangers of delightful design
Delightful details can get you into trouble and have negative side effects.
Sketch Things Better with the 7 Ways of Seeing
A collection of quick techniques to understand any object so you can sketch it with accuracy and confidence.
Offline UX Considerations
A look at multiple design considerations needed to create a great experience on both slow networks and offline.
Inside a Design Critique with Facebook
Another look into Facebook’s design critique process as they evaluate a collaborative online education tool.
Designing for the other side of the screen
Screens are essential when designing digital products, but they can lead us to lose track of the problems we’re trying to solve.
5 Things I Learnt as a Designer at LEGO
Every product is a service of some kind and needs to be considered holistically within the user’s journey.
“I’m not sure if I like what I did here or not”
Telling someone you aren’t sure you like what you did takes real confidence and self-awareness.
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The Interaction Design Foundation has over 30 Online UX Design Courses and here are 6 reasons to join their UX Design Community.
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Tools & Resources
Craft Sync for Photoshop
Previously only available for Sketch, InVision added Photoshop support for Craft Sync to sync designs to InVision in one click.
Tilt Hover Effects
Some ideas for hover animations with a fancy tilt effect.
Copy and paste layers in Photoshop using shortcuts.
UX Portfolios
Travis Terwilligar
Travis features case studies and examples of data-driven design and his breadth of experience.
UX Jobs
Senior User Experience Researcher at TSheets (Boise, ID)
TSheets is looking for a passionate and experienced user experience researcher to help shape our current and future products.
Last But Not Least
Inside the 21st-Century Craze for Redesigning Everything
All redesigns end, but the redesign never does.
“As great as your user interface is, it would be better if there were less of it”
— Alan Cooper