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Issue 61


How Apple Is Giving Design A Bad Name
Don Norman and Bruce Tognazzini make the case about how Apple has sacrificed user-centered design principles for beauty, and it’s causing their software to be confusing.

Misused mobile UX patterns
Mobile patterns that are used by some of the top apps and considered best practices might not be as good as you’d think at first sight.

Your Job Ad: The Start of a Great Hiring Experience
Looking to hire a great user experience designer? Jared Spool writes that designing a great candidate experience starts with the job description.

Keeping UX simple with anticipatory design
How anticipatory design can work for you to create a stress-free, simplified experience where less really is more.

A Guide to User Onboarding Techniques for Mobile Apps
A look at six different patterns for user onboarding.

Intro To Product Design
Stephanie Engle gives an introduction to product design and what it is, why it’s important, and methods for approaching design.

Tools & Resources

App Animations
A gallery of beautiful iOS animations to inspire your next project.

Check the thumb!
Make sure you are placing your elements in the thumb hotzone by by dragging in a screenshot.


Google’s SPAN 2015: New York
Videos from Google’s SPAN 2015 event last week in New York, including panels about What Makes Great Product Design and Prototyping.

The 15 Best UX Podcasts to Keep You on Top of Your Game
A list of UX podcasts you should listen to including some of my favorites.

Over 300 videos for designers from over 40 conferences.

UX Portfolios

Shannon Veerkamp
Shannon’s porfolio is pretty simple (read why she ditched her custom portfolio) but her work shows products she worked on, problems she solved, deliverables, and results.

Do you have a UX portfolio you want to share? Contact me.

UX Jobs

UX Designer in Solar Industry at GreenLancer – Detroit, MI
GreenLancer is looking for self-motivated designers with exceptional skills to join us in building innovative solutions for the solar industry.

Last But Not Least

Why Hipster Attitudes Can Ruin Interaction Design
Step out of your espresso drinking, beard-tending designer mindset to designing empathetic experiences and understand people’s behavior.

“Designers are afraid of incremental design but to launch faster you need an incremental vision.”
— Katie Dill, Head of Experience Design at Airbnb

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