How to build a UX research system that runs on autopilot
A step-by-step guide for automating your UX research flow to make sure you’re receiving a steady stream of user feedback throughout your entire product cycle.
Coherent, Not Consistent
Why consistency in UI Design is overvalued.
How we designed Foursquare Swarm 5.0
A look into the redesign of Swarm, including simplifying the information architecture and updating the internal style guide.
How do you set metrics?
How you set and use metrics as a designer.
Foundations of Interaction Design
A look into a course outline on teaching the core concepts of interaction design.
Nailing the Interviews
Tips on how to get a job as a Product Designer .
Is Your Site at the Head of Its Class?
Find out how your site’s UX stacks up against similar companies and see how to keep more customers by improving their online experience. Get Rage Grade, by FullStory.
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Tools & Resources
Speed Matters: Designing for Mobile Performance (PDF)
How speed perception impacts user behavior and techniques to better aid you
in crafting highly performant websites that appeal to your audience.
UX Whiteboards
Really big whiteboards in the shape of phones that can be hung anywhere.
Milanote Web Clipper
Instantly save images, text, links, videos and more from your favorite websites
Resources to the world’s best design practices including books, podcasts, and more.
Icons In Motion
Salih Abdul-Karim, Airbnb’s design lead and animator, talks about how he turned Noun Project’s icons into moving animations with Lottie.
Design leadership & cracking the hiring process
Join Cynthia Savard Saucier, Danielle Reid, and Jake Frey in a panel discussion about design leadership and the hiring process.
A Human Podcast
Jon Gold and Annie Yiling Wang discuss the future of design and AI.
UX Portfolio
Philippe Kimura-Thollander
Not only does Philippe have interesting case studies, he has a fun 90s version of his portfoilo.
UX Job
UI Designer at Jackrabbit Technologies – Huntersville, NC
Lead UX efforts, set design direction and activities, while working on the world’s first & most trusted online class management software.
Last But Not Least
Dangerous Design trends 2017
Good design trends that can turn bad.
“Design principles, when we chose them effectively, become the driving rationale behind our future design decisions.”
— Jared Spool