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Issue 336


The Lost Designer
Designers are hired to change things but want those changes to happen on their terms, ideas, methods, and beliefs.

Shaping design work (with STAR)
If you find yourself needing to shape your work, use a format like STAR.

Frustrating Design Patterns That Need Fixing: Birthday Picker
The infamous birthday picker that too often happens to be inaccessible, slow and cumbersome to use.

On Building a Fluid User Interface
Insights into a few of the creative implementations that give the Threads app its unique feel.

Designers today are not equipped to solve the problems of tomorrow
Why we need to see our work through a systems thinking lens.

Set Your Figma Up for Easy Collaboration with Nondesigners
Six simple tips for making it easy for developers, PMs, marketers, and other functions to use your Figma files.


Protect & Manage Your Apple Devices
Jamf Now allows you to update, configure and secure all of your company’s Apple devices remotely. Right now, UX Design Weekly readers can manage up to 3 devices for free. Add more for just $2 per device per month. Sign up now!

Tools and Resources

Discover Figma: A Practical Guide
How to create a simple mobile app screen inside Figma.

Sketch: in 2021 and beyond
Where Sketch is at, and where it’s headed next.

Figma Resources
A curated list of Figma resources.

Screen Sizes
Different screen sizes for various devices.

One of the biggest open-source libraries with over 900 icons.
Dead simple, drag and drop personal websites.

UX Portfolio

Omar Andani
Omar is a Product Designer based in Vancouver, currently at First Session.

Last But Not Least

Sir Jony Ive Addresses California College of the Arts’s Class of 2021
Sir Jony Ive reflects on the significance of art and design in contemporary culture.

“Design thinking is not a cure all method to solving all problems.”
— Peter H. Jones

Thanks to this issue’s sponsor: