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Issue 252


Designing design mentorship
How to grow a design mentorship program that grows designers.

3 UX Implementation Details for Designing User-Friendly ‘Compare’ Tools
Deciding whether providing a Compare tool is necessary and UX requirements for such tools.

Cancel vs Close: Design to Distinguish the Difference
Distinguishing between these two actions is critical to avoiding losing users’ work.

Design critiques at Figma
How critiques are done at Figma, and how they turned them into enjoyable meetings.

The importance of setting up your design work before you present it
Successful design reviews have more to do with aligned expectations between what colleagues think they will see and what they actually see in that session.

The Rise of Smart Layout… Sketch Beta 58 review
A feature that other design tools are lack of, and is crucial to have.


Catch design mistakes and usability issues pre-deployment with Qualaroo.
Collect user insights (practically) anywhere with Nudge for Prototypes: compatible with InVision, Figma, Axure, Marvel, AdobeXD, and (most) public URLs. No code required. Sign up for a trial and try it free!

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Tools and Resources

Email Love
Email design inspiration, templates and discovery.

After Effects and Lottie, meet Webflow
The power of After Effects is coming to Webflow and unlocking more possibilities for animation on your sites.

A professionally curated selection of commercial use resources and tools for designers and developers.

Flawless Feedback
Leave visual feedback on live iOS apps together with team.

Awesome Illustrations
Create awesome illustrations for websites & applications.


Managing a Design Systems Team – Design Details
Diana Mounter talks about the role and expectations of a design systems manager.

UX Portfolio

Niteesh Yadav
Niteesh is a Product and Type designer working on the convergence of UI and typography.

Last But Not Least

Dumb Password Rules
Shaming sites with dumb password rules.

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”
— Mark Twain

Thanks to this issue’s sponsor: