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Issue 165


The Future Of Creativity & A New Challenge
The more the world changes, the more important creativity becomes.

The State of UX in 2018
Trends in what our industry is writing, talking, and thinking about. Also check out another take on trends we should be aware of.

How to Get Started with UX
Some background and tips to starting your UX career.

How we design enterprise software
A look at the product design workflow at Mesosphere.

iPhone X: The Rise of Gestures
Replacing the Home button with a swipe gesture creates some UX difficulties, but they are likely to be overcome by the benefit of a larger screen.

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Prototyping (But Were Afraid To Ask)
Why and how you should build prototyping more deeply into your workflow.

After 50 Years, Is It Time to Say Goodbye to the Keyboard?
An overview of human-computer interfaces and what comes after touch screen and voice recognition.


Become a UX Designer in 12 weeks. On campus in San Francisco or live online
You will interact with peers, instructors, mentors, and companies (3 real-world projects) while learning the skills to become a UX Designer. GrowthX Academy has an extensive network of companies, mentors and instructors and weekly events all designed to make sure you get the job you’ll love.

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Tools and Resources

Design Principles
An open source resource to help you understand and create Design Principles.

Font Awesome 5
Font Awesome update is now out with new icons, styles, SVG, ligatures, and more!

Over 40 ways to improve the UX of your online surveys
Some helpful tips to gather valuable insights from users.


The best ‘design‘ books that aren’t explicitly about design.
Twelve of the most popular recommendations of inspiring books.

Jony Ive: The Future of Design
Jony Ive talks about Apple Rumors and his design team.

The Design of Business: Randy Hunt
Randy Hunt talks about identifying an existing community and give them something they needed.

UX Portfolio

Ee Venn Soh
Ee is a Senior Product Designer at Atlassian who shows his work through his project case studies.

Last But Not Least

Learn UX Research Methods with GIFs
For those who don’t like to read long articles and want to understand different UX research methods quickly.

“Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability: these should go hand in hand.”
— Don Norman

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