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Issue 120


Shh! Don’t Tell Them There’s No Magic In Design Thinking
As design professionals, we shouldn’t let ourselves think there’s any magic in Design Thinking.

Design for Non-Designers
Reducing clutter – the one piece of advice to instantly improve your design skills.

Plasma design system
Creating and documenting a product design system.

The UX of Voice: The Invisible Interface
Implications and opportunities for voice interaction within UX design.

Weak Words Kill Experiences
Understanding the power of words.

Tools & Resources

Userflow pro
See how common design problems are solved in the most popular products.

Facebook’s iOS 10 GUI for Craft
You can now use the Facebook iOS kit within the Craft library.

Date-Input Form Fields: UX Design Guidelines
Date-entry fields must be unambiguous and support task completion by using the right design pattern. Small design changes can prevent big user errors.

How to use colors in UI Design
Practical tips and tools when using color.

Handoffs Guide for Pixel Perfect Design
A 3 part series on how you can deliver everything a developer needs to ensure your designs are accurate and look good.


Design at Google Is Like Baseball in Europe – Presentable Podcast
Former Global Head of UX at Google Irene Au talks about the remarkable change that’s happened in design over last 10 years at Google.

Culture and/of Design – a16z Podcast
Luke Wroblewski and a16z’s Connie Chan talk about all things design including whether there are design universals to the bundling/unbundling of apps.

War Stories with Steve Portigal – UX Podcast
Steve Portigal talks about the benefits of sharing our stories and the ethically challenging situations that field research can place you in.

UX Portfolio

Sarah Halliday
Sarah is a product designer whose case studies provide lots of context, images, and deliverables.

UX Jobs

UX Designer at (Farringdon, London)
Conversion is looking for a UX designer to help create the most effective websites across a range of industries including gaming, finance, education, and more.

Last But Not Least

Guilty Pleasures for Designers
All the little things you love, but would never admit to your friends.

“Ease of use may be invisible, but its absence sure isn’t.”