UX Design Weekly

Issue 188

This week I attended a dinner for InVision’s Design Leadership Forum and everyone was asked what was something they were reading, watching, or doing that was inspiring to them. Let me know on Twitter or email me what you’ve been insipired by lately. Enjoy this week’s links.


The Intuitive and the Unlearnable
Why some designs won’t ever stop sucking.

Enough Design Methods
Designers are enamored with methods that define ways of doing design but they come with many shortcomings.

Sculpting Software Animation
Interface design tools are finally incorporating animation, but many are missing the mark.

An intro to Machine Learning for designers
The basics of machine learning and how to apply it to the products you are building right now.

Tab Bars are the new Hamburger Menus
The original intention of the tab navigation pattern has gotten lost in recent years.

How to Write Good Error Messages
11 Tips to write effective error messages.


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Tools and Resources

Wireframes by Whimsical
Wireframing with real-time collaboration.

User Experience Research Field Guide
A guide to do good UX research.

A tool to help software designers think about complex product behavior.


Luke Wroblewski – Conversions@Google 2018
Luke’s latest mobile talk about the state of the mobile world.

Reflection, growth and the art of the case study
Simon Pan talks about his design process and what makes a successful design case study.

Is JTBD Just Watered-Down UX?
Jared Spool and Samuel Hulick discuss jobs-to-be done’s place in the UX world.

Building Successful UX Teams with Margot Dear – UX Radio
Lara Fedoroff and Chris Chandler talk with Margot about how she built a successful UX team at ADP.

UX Portfolio

Xiaoyu Ji
Xiaoyu is a Product Designer at Uber who previously worked at places like Nerdwallet.

Last But Not Least

12 Character Traits of Great UX Designers
A few common character traits about great UX designers.

“The secret to being a great designer is to love designing.”
— Onur Cobanli

Thanks to this issue’s sponsor:

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