UX Design Weekly

Issue 494


On finding the essence of your thinking.

Welcome to The Prompt
AI promises to reinvigorate the way we design and build, but how we realize that potential is still an open question.

Is it good design, or does it just look good?
The over-emphasis on aesthetics in design is producing beautiful garbage.

How To Improve Your Microcopy: UX Writing Tips For Non-UX Writers
Practical tips and a checklist to help you create a clear and concise microcopy, ensuring a seamless user experience.


Advance your design career with online, self-paced UX courses
Over 40 courses from industry experts and top academics.
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Tools and Resources

Config 2024 In Review
Figma announcedAI features, a new UI, Figma Slides, and more at their annual conference. Check out the recordings.

Adobe Design Talks: Generative AI needs design leadership
Why strategy and research are essential for Al-powered tools

UX Portfolio

Jay Park
Jay is a senior at University of California, Berkeley studying cognitive science and human-computer-interaction.

Last But Not Least

The design purity trap & how to escape it
The belief that as a designer you should always be evaluated on your creative talents and everything else is secondary.

“Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.”
— Robert Peters

Thanks to this issue’s sponsor:

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