UX Design Weekly

Issue 187


The biggest WTF in design right now
What are user flows and why you need to use them.

Learn to love your bad ideas
One of the bad parts of being a designer is hitting a losing streak—one of those times where every idea you have is a bad one.

3 rapid prototyping exercises to improve your UX skills
By practicing these rapid prototyping exercises you can train yourself to think through solutions faster and to always validate your ideas.

Good Questions, Bad Asks: The UX Of Questions In User Onboarding
How to ask questions better.

Building a Design System for 500,000+ users at Ryte
Lessons learned building a design system.

By the people, for the people: Keeping your design system evergreen
The most important part of your new design system is the way your team interacts with the system on an ongoing basis.


25% Off Online UX Design Courses for a Whole Year
We’ve teamed up with the Interaction Design Foundation to give you 25% off their annual membership.

From just $72, you can take as many online UX Design courses as you want over the next year.

Tools and Resources

Page Flows
User flow videos and screenshots to inspire you when you’re stuck.

Studio Platform
InVision Studio adds an app store, asset library, and an open API.

Marvel Platform API
It seems like all design tools are adding API’s to built apps and integrate with now.


Design at Massive Scale – Presentable Podcast
The challenges and opportunities that arise when managing design at massive scale.

UX Portfolio and Case Studies

Stella Ding
Stella is a senior studying Interaction Design at the University of Washington-Seattle.

Designing the UI of Google Translate
A case study in designing Google Translate.

Last But Not Least

The strange creatures called “Designers”
How do designers live and what do they do.

“We can learn to measure the success of our ideas not by our bank accounts by their impact on the world.”
— Tim Brown

Thanks to this issue’s sponsor:

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