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Issue 94


Nine Nasty UX Truths
Truths about design, process, and coders.

Beyond onboarding: ramping up your users from novice to expert
Keeping a user actively involved in a long term relationship is much harder than first impressions.

Solving All the Wrong Problems
If the most fundamental definition of design is to solve problems, why are so many people devoting so much energy to solving problems that don’t really exist?

Ignore (some) user feedback
Eric Karjaluoto reminds us to try to remember that there’s just as much bad feedback out there, as there is good.

Apple’s design style in iOS 10 is a statement on accessibility
Apple is undoing many of the user experience missteps that have plagued the operating system for years by making their font more readable and having buttons look like buttons.

Centered Logos Hurt Website Navigation
Getting back to the homepage is about 6 times harder when the logo is placed in the center of a page compared to when it’s in the top left corner.

Calculating the ROI of Digital Prototyping
For teams that want to optimize the expected value of investments, there is no better way than to budget for rapid prototyping.

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Expand and Enhance Your UX Skills
We work hard to bring together the best minds in the business—people just like you—to dive deep into doing our jobs better and talk about what’s coming next. If you love digital design, UX, content strategy, and all that jazz, join us and save $100 by using the code AEAUXDW!

Tools & Resources

Pattern Lab 2
An open-source suite of tools to help you and your team create and maintain thoughtful UI design systems. To read more about the update, check out Making And Maintaining Atomic Design Systems With Pattern Lab 2.

Relate UI kit
A UI kit for Sketch and Photoshop from InVision featuring 45 templates, 15 categories, and 99+ UI elements. 6 completely reimagined their prototyping platform, redesigned the UI, and refreshed the user experience.

Create color palettes, even with no prior design knowledge.

UI Check
An iPhone app allows you to measure UI elements directly on your screenshots.


Designing A/B Tests – Design Review Podcast
Chris and Jon break down what is A/B testing, why it’s important, and some of the common myths about it.

A chat with Boon Sheridan – Rosenfeld Media
Boon answers what he knows now that he wishes he would have known when he started out in UX. Bonus – his house is a Pokémon Gym.

UX Portfolios

Gabriel Valdivia
Gabriel is a VR Designer at Facebook whose portfoilo features interesting case studies of his work.

Last But Not Least

Emails From A CEO
Just a few changes to the website…

“Design isn’t crafting a beautiful textured button with breathtaking animation. It’s figuring out if there’s a way to get rid of the button altogether.”
— Edward Tufte

Thanks to this issue’s sponsors:

An Event Apart